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Haifa Oil Refineries fire on Christmas day 2016, dd simply says, remember December 30th year 1947 which is the exact day of the Haifa Oil Refinery massacre and this is just the beginning If you live in the towns mentioned in the 4 dd's from November  Play album slideshow


The death of singer George Michael on Christmas day 2016, I'm not sure about this, but it does seem to fit The dd says wonderful joy, Christmas, last Christmas I gave you my 'heart', this was a song of his and he apparently died of a hear  Play album slideshow


Russian Defense Ministry Tupolev Tu-154 crash on December 25th, 2016, date of the dream was December 23rd of the same year All details in this DD seem to fit although it states this was a terrorist attack against Russia for killing children in Aleppo  Play album slideshow


2016 San Pablito Market fireworks explosion, wire in the sky dreams along with 3 mentions of Jesus is here seem to fix an explosion on December 20th, 2016 in Mexico  Play album slideshow


Doland Trump says the word n**** 16 times on these recordings and how he plans on sending them back to Africa The problem is, the recordings are total fakes, over 20 dreams since March of 2016 mention what was going to happen and who did it well  Play album slideshow


Berlin Christmas market attack on December 19th, 2016, without a doubt all these predictions are related and will come true  Play album slideshow


On 19 December 2016 Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was shot and killed, exact names and numbers approximately four days before the event happened!  Play album slideshow


Florida boy, 2, killed by train while walking with babysitter on December 12th, 2016, DD is from the day before, December 11th 2016  Play album slideshow


My house caught on fire on December 12th, 2016, not sure but this dream from last week seems to match, the dream was from the 8th of December 16I think Brian  Play album slideshow


Not sure about the rest but this is another Lottery Confirmation, this time its UK Lotto HotPicks for Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 and it was for 350,000 Euros! DD was from the December 12 same year and has been verified!  Play album slideshow


Spark Causes Fire at NY Hospital Building Under Construction on December 14th, 2016, this dream from the 13th says it will be arson The numbers on the DD turned out to be phone numbers of businesses within 1000 feet of the fire!  Play album slideshow


A magnitude 50 earthquake struck 4 miles west-northwest of Geysers, California at 8:41 on December 14th, 2016 apparently 36 hours after this dream date and time have been verified, and what's really scary what's next Anyway's, the location a  Play album slideshow


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