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Kodu > 2024 DREAM JOURNAL > April
4-April-2024-dream-prediction-1  "I had good intentions last night of getting lottery numbers for countries other than the United States for the months of April, May, and June in 2024, during my lucid dreams. However, I don't exactly remember wh
"I had good intentions last night of getting lottery numbers for countries other than the United States for the months of April, May, and June in 2024, during my lucid dreams. However, I don't exactly remember what I did, but apparently, I couldn't find the paper with the numbers. Instead, I found something close to me that I'm sorry about. I don't know which lottery game these numbers are for, but I do know the next three months. I realized that the numbers are hard to see, so I will do my best to translate them later on. This is one long sheet of paper that I tore twice to make it fit, and it's all from the night of April 4th, 2024."

4-April-2024-dream-prediction-1 "I had good intentions last night of getting lottery numbers for countries other than the United States for the months of April, May, and June in 2024, during my lucid dreams. However, I don't exactly remember wh

"I had good intentions last night of getting lottery numbers for countries other than the United States for the months of April, May, and June in 2024, during my lucid dreams. However, I don't exactly remember what I did, but apparently, I couldn't find the paper with the numbers. Instead, I found something close to me that I'm sorry about. I don't know which lottery game these numbers are for, but I do know the next three months. I realized that the numbers are hard to see, so I will do my best to translate them later on. This is one long sheet of paper that I tore twice to make it fit, and it's all from the night of April 4th, 2024."

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